Art Deco Period French Mirror art deco period french mirror
Product InfoJean-Marc Fray
Austin, TX
Set of Three Modernist Side Tables in the manner of Philippe Stark set modernist side tables manner philippe stark
The price listed is for all three. A single can be purchased for $1500.
Product InfoJean-Marc Fray
Austin, TX
Louis XVI Period French Oval Side Table louis xvi period french oval side table
Louis XVI Style refers to the style defined by the period in France under the reign of King Louis XVI...
Product InfoJean-Marc Fray
Austin, TX
French Lucite and Chrome Vintage Tray french lucite chrome tray
Product InfoJean-Marc Fray
Austin, TX
French Vintage Brass Curule Stool french brass curule stool
Product InfoJean-Marc Fray
Austin, TX
Louis XVI Bouillotte French Table louis xvi bouillotte french table
Louis XVI Style refers to the style defined by the period in France under the reign of King Louis XVI...
Product InfoJean-Marc Fray
Austin, TX
Louis XVI Pair of French Side Tables louis xvi pair french side tables
Louis XVI Style refers to the style defined by the period in France under the reign of King Louis XVI...
Product InfoJean-Marc Fray
Austin, TX
Louis XVI Style French Side Table louis xvi french side table
Louis XVI Style refers to the style defined by the period in France under the reign of King Louis XVI...
Product Info