Mayan Clay Figure - original oil painting - still life-Angela Ooghe mayan clay figure original oil painting still lifeangela ooghe
This is an original oil painting of a handmade Mayan figure nestled in amongst the potted plants. 6"x8"oil on birch...
Product InfoAngela Ooghe
Miami, FL
Landscape Painting - Clear Blue Sky Reflected - original oil painting - Florida landscape - Everglades-Angela Ooghe landscape painting clear blue sky reflected original oil florida evergladesangela ooghe
This is an original oil painting, signed in the lower right corner.8" x 10"oil on masoniteReturns:If for any reason you...
Product InfoAngela Ooghe
Miami, FL
Original Oil Painting - Oil on Canvas - Nude Female - Beach - One of a Kind - Fine Art... original oil painting canvas nude female beach kind fine art figurative seascape
This is an original oil painting, signed in the lower left corner.9”x12”oil on canvas mounted on masonite panel Returns:If for...
Product InfoAngela Ooghe
Miami, FL
Original Oil Painting - Oil on Canvas - Nude Female - Seated Nude - Figure Study - Fine Art Nude... original oil painting canvas nude female seated figure study fine art figurative
This is an original oil painting, signed in the lower right corner.9”x12”oil on canvas mounted on masonite panel Returns:If for...
Product InfoAngela Ooghe
Miami, FL
Original Oil Painting-Oil on Canvas-Nude Male Toweling off After the Bath-Nude-Angela Ooghe-Impressionist-Contemporary Wall Art original oil paintingoil canvasnude male toweling off after bathnudeangela oogheimpressionistcontemporary wall art
This original oil painting captures a moment of intimacy and vulnerability as a nude man towels himself off after a...
Product InfoAngela Ooghe
Miami, FL
Archival Print-Giclee-Original Painting-Pool Painting-Swimmer-Nude-Diver-Figurative-Figure Study-Fine Art Nude-Angela Ooghe archival printgicleeoriginal paintingpool paintingswimmernudediverfigurativefigure studyfine art nudeangela ooghe
Title: DiverMedium: InkOriginal Medium: OilAbout the materials:This is a fine art giclée print of an original painting by me, Angela...
Product InfoAngela Ooghe
Miami, FL
Fine Art Print of Original Artwork-Giclee-Archival Print-Nude- Nude-Mid Century-Retro-Mid Century Modern-Original Art-Angela Ooghe fine art print original artworkgicleearchival printnude nudemid centuryretromid century modernoriginal artangela ooghe
Title: Basking Medium: InkOriginal Medium: OilAbout the materials:This is a fine art giclée print of an original painting by me,...
Product InfoAngela Ooghe
Miami, FL
Fine Art Print of Original Painting-Giclee-Archival Print-Male Nude-Man in Bath-Man Bathing-Angela Ooghe -Erotic-Fine Art Nude fine art print original paintinggicleearchival printmale nudeman bathman bathingangela ooghe eroticfine nude
Title: Man in BathMedium: InkOriginal Medium: OilAbout the materials:This is a fine art giclée print of an original painting by...
Product InfoAngela Ooghe
Miami, FL
Original Oil Painting - Florida Tropical Hammock original oil painting florida tropical hammock
I've painted the type of lush tropical hammock commonly scene in south Florida.This is an original oil painting, signed in...
Product InfoAngela Ooghe
Miami, FL
Fine Art Print of Original Painting-Giclee-Archival-Angela Ooghe-8 x 10-Couple Embracing-Nude-Female-Male-Impressionism-Figurative-Figures fine art print original paintinggicleearchivalangela ooghe8 10couple embracingnudefemalemaleimpressionismfigurativefigures
Title: Embrace Medium: InkOriginal Medium: OilThe image is 8”x10” with a half inch border to help with matting and framing.Let...
Product InfoAngela Ooghe
Miami, FL
Woman in Bath-Giclee-Fine Art Reproduction Print-Archival-Female Nude-Figure Study-Impressionist-Original Painting-Original Art-Angela Ooghe woman bathgicleefine art reproduction printarchivalfemale nudefigure studyimpressionistoriginal paintingoriginal artangela ooghe
Title: Woman in bath Medium: InkOriginal Medium: OilAbout the materials:This is a fine art giclée print of an original painting...
Product InfoAngela Ooghe
Miami, FL
Mid Century-Nude Female-Giclee-Fine Art Print-Wall Art-Angela Ooghe centurynude femalegicleefine art printwall artangela ooghe
Title: Nude on BlueMedium: InkOriginal Medium: acrylic on paper “Nude in Blue” portrays a nude woman in a manner that...
Product InfoAngela Ooghe
Miami, FL
Original Oil Painting - Oil on Canvas - Nude Female - Reclining Female - Figure Study - Fine Art Nude... original oil painting canvas nude female reclining figure study fine art wall decor signed ooak
This is an original oil painting, signed in the lower right corner.9”x12”oil on canvas Returns:If for any reason you are...
Product InfoAngela Ooghe
Miami, FL
Nude Female-Original Artwork-Giclee-Archival Print-1950s Retro Style-Erotic-Mid century-Retro-Lesbian-Gay-Figurative-Forest-Angela Ooghe nude femaleoriginal artworkgicleearchival print1950s retro styleeroticmid centuryretrolesbiangayfigurativeforestangela ooghe
Title: A Walk in the WoodsMedium: InkOriginal Medium: OilAbout the materials:This is a fine art giclée print of an original...
Product InfoAngela Ooghe
Miami, FL
White Dog-Giclee-Fine Art Reproduction Print-Archival-Abstract-Expressive-Original Painting-Original Art-Angela Ooghe white doggicleefine art reproduction printarchivalabstractexpressiveoriginal paintingoriginal artangela ooghe
Title: What DogMedium: InkOriginal Medium: OilThe image is 8”x10”.About the materials:This is a fine art giclée print of an original...
Product InfoAngela Ooghe
Miami, FL
Original Oil Painting-Nude Female-Figure Study-Angela Ooghe-Striped Blanket-Seated Nude-Figure Drawing-Fine Art Nude-8x10-Art-Oil original oil paintingnude femalefigure studyangela ooghestriped blanketseated nudefigure drawingfine art nude8x10artoil
This is an original oil painting, signed in the lower right corner.8" x 10"oil on canvas panelReturns:If for any reason...
Product InfoAngela Ooghe
Miami, FL
Pre-Columbian Figure - original oil painting-Angela Ooghe precolumbian figure original oil paintingangela ooghe
This is an original oil painting, signed in the lower right corner.6"x8"oil on canvas panelReturns:If for any reason you're not...
Product InfoAngela Ooghe
Miami, FL
Original Oil Painting - Forest- Landscape-Woods -Painterly- 8 x 10 inches - Florida Landscape -Angela Ooghe original oil painting forest landscapewoods painterly inches florida landscape angela ooghe
This is an original oil painting, signed in the lower right corner.8" x 10"oil on canvas panelReturns:If for any reason...
Product InfoAngela Ooghe
Miami, FL
Original Oil Painting-Nude-Female Nude-Impressionism-Figure Study-Figure-Nude Painting-Erotic-Angela Ooghe -Original Painting-Art original oil paintingnudefemale nudeimpressionismfigure studyfigurenude paintingeroticangela ooghe paintingart
This is an original oil painting, signed in the lower right corner.8" x 10"oil on canvas panelReturns:If for any reason...
Product InfoAngela Ooghe
Miami, FL
Original Artwork-Giclee-Archival Reproduction Print of Original Painting-Orange-Sky-Cloud-Fine Art Print-Still Life-Interior-Angela Ooghe original artworkgicleearchival reproduction print paintingorangeskycloudfine art printstill lifeinteriorangela ooghe
Title: Orange RoomMedium: InkOriginal Medium: OilAbout the materials:This is a fine art giclée print of an original painting by me,...
Product InfoAngela Ooghe
Miami, FL
Small Candle Holder - original oil painting - still life - Small Painting - 4x6 inches-Angela Ooghe small candle holder original oil painting still life 4x6 inchesangela ooghe
This candle stand is lit from one side creating a strong contrast between light and shadow. A second contrast comes...
Product InfoAngela Ooghe
Miami, FL
Original Oil Painting-Male Nude-Impressionism-Beach-Figurative-Standing Nude-Nude Figure-Angela Ooghe-Nude-Nude Painting-Fine Art Nude original oil paintingmale nudeimpressionismbeachfigurativestanding nudenude figureangela ooghenudenude paintingfine art nude
This is an original painting, signed in the lower right corner.9" x 12"oil on canvas panelReturns:If for any reason you...
Product InfoAngela Ooghe
Miami, FL
Original Painting - Boat - Seascape - 8x10 inch -Acrylic - Impressionist - Small Painting-Angela Ooghe original painting boat seascape 8x10 inch acrylic impressionist small paintingangela ooghe
This is an original painting, signed in the lower left corner.8" x 10"Acrylic on wood panel Returns:If for any reason...
Product InfoAngela Ooghe
Miami, FL
Nude on Striped Blanket - Original Oil Painting - Nude Female - Figure Study - Figurative - 8 x 10... nude striped blanket original oil painting female figure study figurative inches paintingangela ooghe
This is an original oil painting, signed in the lower right corner.8" x 10"oil on canvas panelReturns:If for any reason...
Product InfoAngela Ooghe
Miami, FL
Swimmer-Pool-Original Artwork-Giclee-Archival Print-Nude Female-Oil Painting-Impressionism-Diver-Fine Art-Erotic-Sensual-Angela Ooghe swimmerpooloriginal artworkgicleearchival printnude femaleoil paintingimpressionismdiverfine arteroticsensualangela ooghe
Title: Quiet SwimMedium: InkOriginal Medium: OilAbout the materials:This is a fine art giclée print of an original painting by me,...
Product Info