Vintage Uebelacker / U-keramik Fat Lava Vase Retro 1970s Mid Century Modern + West German #1437/27 + Red and Gray... uebelacker ukeramik fat lava vase retro 1970s century modern west german 143727 red gray ceramic mcm home decor
*** Shipping is not available to Hawaii, Alaska, or any US TerritoryDESCRIPTION1970s fat lave vaseBy Uebelacker / U-keramik Mid-Century ModernFrom...
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Philadelphia, PA
Vintage Fitted Sheet 1970s Retro Full Size + DEADSTOCK/still sealed + Royal Family by Cannon + Mocha + Brown Stripe... fitted sheet 1970s retro full size deadstockstill sealed royal family cannon mocha brown stripe percale bedding
*** Shipping is not available to Hawaii, Alaska, or any US TerritoryDESCRIPTION1970s Fitted SheetRoyal Family by CannonMid-Century ModernDEADSTOCK/still sealed in...
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Philadelphia, PA
Vintage Serving Utensils Retro 1960s Mid Century + Sheffield England + Fork/Spoon + Set of 2 + Porcelain Handles +... serving utensils retro 1960s century sheffield england forkspoon set porcelain handles silver metal kitchen
*** Shipping is not available to Hawaii, Alaska, or any US TerritoryDESCRIPTION1960s serving utensilsMetal By Sheffield England and the porcelain...
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Philadelphia, PA
Vintage Marc Chagall Stained Glass Window Needlepoint 1960s Retro Size 20x15 Mid Century + Windows of Jerusalem + Tribe of... marc chagall stained glass window needlepoint 1960s retro size 20x15 century windows jerusalem tribe levi judaica
*** Shipping is not available to Hawaii, Alaska, or any US TerritoryDESCRIPTION1960s stained glass window needlepointMid-Century Modern Features one of...
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Philadelphia, PA
Vintage Profex Medical Jars Retro 1950s Mid Century Modern + Clear Glass + Blue/White Labels + Metal Lids + Set... profex medical jars retro 1950s century modern clear glass bluewhite labels metal lids set mcm bathroom storage
*** Shipping is not available to Hawaii, Alaska, or any US TerritoryDESCRIPTION1950s medical storage jarsBy ProfexMid-Century ModernThis is a set...
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Philadelphia, PA
Vintage Lapid Israel Vase Retro 1960s Mid Century Modern + Sgraffito Glazed + White + Brown Lines + Matte Pottery... lapid israel vase retro 1960s century modern sgraffito glazed white brown lines matte pottery home decor decoration
*** Shipping is not available to Hawaii, Alaska, or any US TerritoryDESCRIPTION1960s vaseBy Lapid IsrealMid-Century ModernRare Ceramic pottery Sgraffito glazed...
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Philadelphia, PA
LOCAL PICKUP ONLY ———— Vintage W. Stansberry Leather Recliner local pickup stansberry leather recliner
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Philadelphia, PA
Vintage Vase Retro 1990s Contemporary + Abstract Design + Egg Shaped + Green and Brown + Textured Bottom + Handmade... vase retro 1990s contemporary abstract egg shaped green brown textured bottom handmade modern home decor
*** Shipping is not available to Hawaii, Alaska, or any US TerritoryDESCRIPTION1990s vaseContemporary Handmade using brown clay (ceramic)Egg-shaped with an...
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Philadelphia, PA
LOCAL PICKUP ONLY ———— Vintage Mirrored Tree Hall local pickup mirrored tree hall
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Philadelphia, PA
Vintage Button-down Blouse Retro 1970s Tucci + Black and White + Polka Dot Print + Top + Pointed Collar +... buttondown blouse retro 1970s tucci black white polka dot print top pointed collar unisex apparel
*** Shipping is not available to Hawaii, Alaska, or any US TerritoryDESCRIPTION 1970s Button-down blouseby TucciUnisex apparelSize 5/6 tag {please...
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Philadelphia, PA
Vintage Dress Retro 1990s Nostalgia + Size Small + 100% Rayon + Babydoll + Tunic + Floral + Grunge +... dress retro 1990s nostalgia size small 100 rayon babydoll tunic floral grunge sheer made india womens apparel
*** Shipping is not available to Hawaii, Alaska, or any US TerritoryDESCRIPTION 1990s Dress/tunicby Nostalgia Size small tag {please see...
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Philadelphia, PA
Vintage Blouse Retro 1980s Womens + Wakai + Size XXL + Ribbon Work + Flowers + Lace + Ivory +... blouse retro 1980s womens wakai size xxl ribbon work flowers lace ivory peplum crochet top warm weather apparel
*** Shipping is not available to Hawaii, Alaska, or any US TerritoryDESCRIPTION 1980s Blouseby WakaiSize XXL tag {please see measurements...
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Philadelphia, PA
Vintage Record Rack Retro 1990s Contemporary + Gold Metal Frame + Tabletop + Holds 25-30 Albums + Music Storage +... record rack retro 1990s contemporary gold metal frame tabletop holds 2530 albums music storage organization home decor
*** Shipping is not available to Hawaii, Alaska, or any US TerritoryDESCRIPTION1990s record rackContemporaryGold metal frame with multiple skinny barsTabletop...
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Philadelphia, PA
Vintage Gunne Sax Dress Retro 1970s Womens + Romantic + Renaissance + No Size + Victorian + Lace + Ruffle... gunne sax dress retro 1970s womens romantic renaissance size victorian lace ruffle peach pink cottage core
*** Shipping is not available to Hawaii, Alaska, or any US TerritoryDESCRIPTION 1970s Gunne Sax dressNo size tag {please see...
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Philadelphia, PA
Vintage Still Life Painting 1970s Retro Size 20x29 Mid Century Modern + Bottles + Artist A. Boyer + Acrylic +... still life painting 1970s retro size 20x29 century modern bottles artist boyer acrylic hardboard wall art decor
*** Shipping is not available to Hawaii, Alaska, or any US TerritoryDESCRIPTION1970s still life painting Mid Century ModernBy the artist...
Product InfoRetrospect Vintage
Philadelphia, PA
Vintage Vision Glass Frying Pan Retro 1980s Corning + Size 10.75" + Smokey Amber Brown + Waffle Bottom + Skillet... vision glass frying pan retro 1980s corning size 1075 smokey amber brown waffle bottom skillet cookware kitchen cook
*** Shipping is not available to Hawaii, Alaska, or any US TerritoryDESCRIPTION1980s glass frying panBy Vision for CorningAll glass frame...
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Philadelphia, PA
Vintage Ceramic Catchall Retro 1980s Post Modern + Cream + Square + Wavy Design + Jewelry Dish + Contemporary Storage... ceramic catchall retro 1980s post modern cream square wavy jewelry dish contemporary storage home decor
*** Shipping is not available to Hawaii, Alaska, or any US TerritoryDESCRIPTION1980s catchall or jewelry dishPost Modern/ContemporaryHandmadeCeramicSquare shape with a...
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Philadelphia, PA
Vintage Salt and Pepper Shakers Retro 1970s Mid Century Modern + Denby Potters Wheel + David Yorath + Ceramic +... salt pepper shakers retro 1970s century modern denby potters wheel david yorath ceramic set kitchen storage
*** Shipping is not available to Hawaii, Alaska, or any US TerritoryDESCRIPTION1973 salt and pepper shakersBy Denby Potters WheelMid Century...
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Philadelphia, PA
Vintage Fish Platter Retro 1980s Coastal or Beach + By Animals and Co. + 7/91 + Ceramic + Serving Food... fish platter retro 1980s coastal beach animals 791 ceramic serving food kitchen storage home decor
*** Shipping is not available to Hawaii, Alaska, or any US TerritoryDESCRIPTION1986 fish serving platterBy Animals and Co. Coastal or...
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Philadelphia, PA
Vintage IKEA Sculpture Retro 1990s Contemporary + Ab Mejid + Woman Sitting + White + Plaster + Statue + Modern... ikea sculpture retro 1990s contemporary mejid woman sitting white plaster statue modern home decor decoration
*** Shipping is not available to Hawaii, Alaska, or any US TerritoryDESCRIPTION1990s IKEA sculptureDesigned by Ab Mejid ContemporaryMade of plaster...
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Philadelphia, PA
Vintage Pyrex Bowl Retro 1950s Mid Century Modern + Size 1.5 Quart + Pink Flamingo + 402 + Ceramic +... pyrex bowl retro 1950s century modern size quart pink flamingo 402 ceramic mcm kitchen storage organization
*** Shipping is not available to Hawaii, Alaska, or any US TerritoryDESCRIPTION1950s bowlBy PyrexMid Century ModernPink Flamingo pattern#402Size 1.5 QuartCeramic...
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Philadelphia, PA
Vintage Needlepoint 1970s Retro Size 22x33 Eclectic + Colorful + City View with People/Trees + Homemade + MCM Embroidery +... needlepoint 1970s retro size 22x33 eclectic colorful city view peopletrees homemade mcm embroidery fiber wall art
*** Shipping is not available to Hawaii, Alaska, or any US TerritoryDESCRIPTION1970s needlepoint Mid Century Modern/EclecticHomemadeBright and colorfulFeatures a city...
Product InfoRetrospect Vintage
Philadelphia, PA
Vintage Ekco Kitchen Utensils Retro 1920s-1950s Farmhouse + Silver Aluminum Metal + Colored Handles + Set of 4 + Bake/Cook... ekco kitchen utensils retro 1920s1950s farmhouse silver aluminum metal colored handles set bakecook atomic gadget
*** Shipping is not available to Hawaii, Alaska, or any US TerritoryDESCRIPTIONVintage set of kitchen utensilsBy Echo Farmhouse They range...
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Philadelphia, PA
Vintage Candlestick Holders Retro 2000s Y2K + Glass + Shades of Pink + Set of 2 + Taper/Pillar Candle Holders... candlestick holders retro 2000s y2k glass shades pink set taperpillar candle home decor mood lighting
*** Shipping is not available to Hawaii, Alaska, or any US TerritoryDESCRIPTION2000s candlestick holdersY2K/ModernThis is a set of 2Glass in...
Product InfoRetrospect Vintage
Philadelphia, PA
Vintage Kitchen Crock Retro 1960s Colonial Farmhouse + Dark Brown + Red Pottery Clay + Utensil or Gadget Storage +... kitchen crock retro 1960s colonial farmhouse dark brown red pottery clay utensil gadget storage handled pot home decor
*** Shipping is not available to Hawaii, Alaska, or any US TerritoryDESCRIPTION1960s kitchen crock for utensils or gadgetsColonial FarmhouseMade of...
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