Smoking Jackets and Robes

Smoking Jackets and Robes from vintage, locally designed and unique fashion stores in Atlanta

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Women's Vintage Long Paisley Smoking Jacket or Dress
1940s Women's Smoking Jacket and Pants Set Styled by Waylon - 40s Loungewear - Women's Vintage Size Small
Vintage Compagnie Internationale Express Maroon Burgundy Velvet Smoking Jacket Blazer Marque Deposee. 11/12
1940's Women's Smoking Jacket and Pants Set Fashioned by Flobért 40s Dressing Gown 40's Loungewear Women's Vintage Size Small
1960's Smoking Jacket 60s Smoking Blazer 60's Loungewear Men's Vintage Size 44
Vintage John Meyer of California Black Cropped Velvet Smoking Jacket Blazer, sz 10