
Ashtray from vintage, modern and artisan home decor stores in Boston and New England

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Florida shaped ceramic ashtray - vintage 60s travel souvenir
Vintage Greek Copper Ashtray | 1960s Parthenon Souvenir | Trinket Dish |Bixley Shop
Vintage Atomic Ashtray | 1960s Ceramic Ashtray Emerald Green | MCM Trinket Dish | Bixley Shop
Vintage Copper Dish or Ashtray
Amber art glass crimped ashtray - 1960s vintage
Florida Ashtray, Hialeah Race Track, Seaquarium, New Exhibition Hall, Parrot Jungle, Lincoln Hall and Fontainbleau Hotel | Bixley Shop
Aldo Londi for Bitossi Ceramic Ashtray
Cigar Ashtray - Jenning Brothers Chimpanzee Cigar Ashtray #1979 - Marked with JB 1979 - Monkey Ashtray - Circa 1920s | Bixley Shop
Vintage Pink Mid Century Triangle Ashtray
Italian Lava Glaze Candle Holders and Ashtray 1950s
Mid-century Ceramic Ashtray in Blue and Green
Vintage Mini Shoe Brass Ashtray, Retro 70s Individual Ashtray
Vintage Mini Shoe Brass Ashtray Set, Retro 70s Small Individual Ashtray
Bennington Ceramic Ashtray
Bronze Snail Ashtray by Maurice Ascalon for Pal-Bell, Israel
Fabulous Las Vegas roulette wheel ash tray - made in Japan - 1950s vintage
Waterford Crystal Ashtray 3 3/4
Blenko Free Form Amoeba Ashtray / Dish in Bright Green - #966 by Winslow Anderson
Bitossi Ceramic Ashtray
Florida Ashtray, Hialeah Race Track, Seaquarium, New Exhibition Hall, Parrot Jungle, Lincoln Hall and Fontainbleau Hotel
Vintage Souvenir from Bavaria - Otterberg/Pfalz  - Porcelain Ashtray Lindner Keeps Bavaria - Souvenir Ashtray
Vintage Crystal Cigar Ashtray / Gorham Lead Crystal Ashtray / Heavy King Size Hollywood Regency Style Ashtray
Italian pottery ash tray - handpainted mid century ceramic
Vintage Cigarette Lighter and Ashtray Set, New Deadstock, 4 Ashtrays, 1 Cigarette Holder, 1 Lighter, Ceramic, Hand Painted, made in Japan
Vintage Heath Ceramics 4-Notch Ashtray - Large - Beige with Ribbed Exterior - Edith Heath Pottery Ashtray